Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A Word About The Name...

I just realized the other day...hmmmmm.. people are probably wondering about the name of your ol' blog there Kate. So I will take a mo to explain the name. Now I'm sure most of you out there at one point or another had an imaginary friend. My sister sure had one, his name was Eric, Prince Eric to be exact. We had to set a place for him at the table and I know for sure that some of you out there know ALL too well what I'm talking about. Well, I can honestly say I never had one. BUT, and this is a big but people because I didn't need one. I had Mrs. Pannapulah. Mrs. Pannapulah was my alter ego. Anytime my little self slipped into the land of make believe Mrs. Pannapulah is who I became. I wasn't always Mrs. per se, sometimes I was Dr. Pannapulah, Nurse Pannapulah, Your Honor Supreme Court Judge Pannapulah; anything I wanted to be I became with Mrs. Pannapulah. And I guess she's kind of been with me ever since. When I decided I wanted to move to the big city and make a way for myself in graduate school, it was Mrs. Pannapulah that walked home many a night after two jobs to a tiny expensive shit hole in Allston. When I met that really sweet guy (the husbandman) and wanted to talk to him, it was Mrs. Pannapulah that got me over there and said hello. And when I get up and try and teach kids about art and how their creativity can just explode, well you get the idea. So maybe you don't have your imaginary friend with you anymore, but I'm still kickin it with Mrs. Pannapulah and hopefully I can introduce her to my little ones someday...

this is Mrs. Pannapulah, or at least my rendition of her from my grad school thesis. people say she's creepy but her face is pure color.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Rolling Deep In the ArtMOBILE!!

Hey Y'all!
So this past week I've spent the better part of my day driving around in a big purple Dodge Caravan teaching art. Ridiculous you say? No my friend, ArtMobile. The ArtMobile is actually comprised of two vehicles, the purple van, AND the humungous purple bus.  I do not have enough gumption to drive the big bus so I'm low ridin it in the van. What does the van look like you say?
This is me and the van !! See the huge bus next to it? Yeah I'm not driving that!
The command center.

Organization is KEY when you're rolling in a Dodge Caravan.

Glue sticks, scissors, tape, neon rope, drills, you name we GOT IT!

Rolley cart, super technical term guys, helps us move our wares around .

I totally pimped her out this year with a clothes line to hang work, a cooler, a first aid kit, and a place to hang up our smocks.

The ArtMobile is a program that is affiliated with the New Bedford Art Museum (NBAM), and has been running for the past 17 years. We ( two Art Educators) drive all over the city, to parks and day programs, youth centers and even into the projects to bring art and the power of art making to children. We actually see about 800 kids over the course of the summer. It's pretty amazing when you think about it....I was lucky enough to get involved with it last year and it's really opened my eyes to how much art can change a child's life. I was incredibly lucky as a child to always have a ton of art supplies at my disposal. You name it I had it, including a little french beret and cloth apron. Very Claude Monet I know! But, in my travels with the ArtMobile I've met children that don't even have crayons at home. Now that just doesn't seem right to me. Every child should have a box of crayons so they can let their imagination run wild. I know I've definitely made a few kids' day just by being supportive of the work they make and praising their imaginations. You see their eyes just light up! It makes me smile but, it also breaks my heart a little bit because I know deep down that they're not hearing it at home. So tomorrow morning I'll wake up bright and early, pedal my bike on down to "the yard" and start my baby up. We'll cover alot of pavement tomorrow and we'll make alot of art. And that's pretty damn cool.

If you want to know more about the ArtMobile or NBAM check out their website at:
New Bedford Art Museum 

Here's a couple more pictures of the awesome little people we get to hang out with all day!
Planning her next move...

It's so awesome to see parents that will come and encourage their kids

Showing off her awesome work!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Colorado = Art Shows, Guacamole, Stephen King, and an Alpaca or two...

Hello Again!
I apologize greatly for the delay with this post, things have been ramping up with artMobile this past week and it got a little hectic. I'll explain more about the awesomeness that is artMobile a little later but now...COLORADO!!! I had the great opportunity to show my work alongside a number of artists in Loveland, Colorado last month for the show glass.fiber.stone. Apparently, as it has been explained to me, when you tell people in Loveland you're an artist they expect that you either paint or work in bronze. Well, folks let me tell ya', that's just not always the case. Yours truly works in fibers and I have friends that work in ceramics, or video art, or fake fur and great stuff like my husbandman so there's a plethora of materials out there to work with. So after a month of slaving away late into the night (or sometimes all night as the case turned out) I had my piece ready. I packed it up in my carry on bag with all my clothes and I was on my way to the Ol' 'Rado! I've never been anywhere like it, I was in awe of the landscape and the sky! I've never seen sky just go on and on like that. I was lucky enough to stay with a few of my good friends, Abbie and Aaron. My ladies friends in arms, Lauren and Amy also came in from North Carolina and North Dakota respectively and we had ourselves quite an adventure.And you know what I found out everybody, I really love where I come from. Exploring this great country of ours is just that, great, but there's nothing like coming home. Give me the ocean breezes and lush greenery of Massachusetts any day. I mean my goodness right now I have a huge red robin sitting on the fence post right outside my studio window. But enough of me yammering on, I have pictures! And they do say pictures are worth a thousand words....
Here is my plane Shamu ready to take me 2/3 of the way across the U.S.

Colorado from the sky,it looks like a big quilt

Loveland Feed and Grain where our show took place

Abbie holding possibly the biggest wrench EVER!

Amy being menacing RAWR!! and Aaron too!

Look at that sky...

Here's my work all installed in my very own room, pretty cool!

The name of the piece was "Rise".

It's a collection of 12 ladders.

Each ladder is a portrait of someone, this yellow one is for the husbandman.
Stairway to heaven.
Me! with all my work

The artist ladies all dressed up for the VIP reception. Swanky!
 (Left to right, Amy, Lauren, Abbie & Me)

Scrambling down the rocks to the river

Lauren looking super modtastic.

Big Thompson River

At least now I can say I put my feet in a part of the Colorado River system.

Quite a view, look at the snow still on the Rockies

We visited the Stanley Hotel, which is the hotel that inspired Stephen King to write the Shining. Creepy cool!

Lauren's enthusiasm totally mirrored my own. We're goofy.

Some elk grabbing a snack at the gas station across the street from the Stanley. They are HUGE!

Our waitress making us guacamole at our table. MUY DELICIOSO.



Yeah more hats....

What can I say, I love a good hat...

I found this antique postcard in a boutique in downtown Loveland. It was a sign it was time to go home.

While I was there, there were several forest fires burning in the state. This is a picture of the huge smoke cloud at sunset. Pretty but kind if sad too.

For ten months, Abbie worked at this alpaca ranch. We got a sweet tour!

They're pretty cute huh. And their fleece is super super soft. Much finer that human hair.

Look at that punim!

Massachusetts my darling, I'm home!
 So that was my trip! I'm so thankful to have had the opportunity to
go. It was quite the experience. Next time I'll tell ya'll about artmobile and all the cool stuff I get to do in a big purple van. Til then friends...stay gold! hehe

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Well Hello There!

Friends! Peers! Countrymen! Hello! After much brooding and blog lusting I have taken the dive and created a blog for myself. My hope is that this blog will chronicle my journey from college lecture to elementary classroom, from studio to gallery, and from my life to your screen. I've been fortunate to have three very successful bloggers (blogtresses?) in my presence; Abbie Powers from camelhairandhoney, Lauren deSerres Kelischek from The Life and Times of Lauren deSerres Kelischek, and Amy Uthus from Amy Uthus Cermaics. I highly recommend you check them out! Below are their links. I only hope I can have a blog half as interesting and useful as theirs. Well I suppose that's all for the moment, stay tuned to hear about my recent show in Colorado and my new classroom! I'll leave you with a picture of the current work I'm making. Take a peek!
camelhairandhoney The Life and Times of Lauren deSerres Kelischek
Amy Uthus Ceramics